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The ratings of Crypto Brokers are based on traders' reviews. We strongly encourage you to read the reviews before opening an account. If you already have experience working with a broker, please share it with others.
Name Rating Platforms Markets
LH-Crypto Verified
4.60(0) MT5 Crypto, Forex, CFD, Metals
AMarkets Verified
4.00(0) MT5, MT4, MT4 Mobile, MT5 Mobile, Multiterminal MT4 Crypto, CFD
3.50(0) MT5, MT4 Crypto, Forex, CFD, Metals
NordFX Verified
3.39(113) MT Mobile, MT4, MT4 Multiterminal Crypto, Forex, CFD
3.20(0) Trading Platform Crypto
3.00(0) Trading Platform Crypto
2.43(4) MT4 Crypto, Forex, CFD
2.42(7) MT Mobile, MT4, Myfxbook Crypto, Forex, CFD
MT5 Crypto

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